5 Reasons Why You Need a Yoga Mentor — especially #2

Go back to that moment when you signed up for your first 200-hour yoga teacher training.

So much excitement!


Right before your first day of training, you were soaking in all your yoga teacher's classes. You were imagining yourself standing up in that class. Talking with the same confidence and ease as your teacher.

You went back home and relooked at your 200-hour scheduled and looked up your all the other guest teacher's websites and stalked their Instagram accounts too :)

As the months went on during your 200-hour, being in their presence filled you up with so much joy.

Now that you're fully graduated and move forward in your yoga career, you'll need to continue to find ways to feed your curiosity, fill up your cup as a teacher, and nourish the student within you.

Finding a yoga mentor allows you to take off the hat of teacher, and bask in the presence of a guide once again.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you need a yoga mentor after you graduate from a 200-hour teacher training. Whether you decide to teach part-time or full-time.

1. It's in our human nature

Think of a baby that’s learning its first human capabilities. It starts mimicking words based on what they hear. Or how they learn to wave because they see someone else waving at them. So cute!

In those early stages of life, it's so obvious that we learn from observing. But that's our true nature forever!

We learn from watching people we admire and later replicate it to present to our micro-communities.

This is exactly why you need a yoga mentor. Not because you're going to copy everything they do but because a big part of how we learn is through observing.

2. You are your own boss

Regardless of whether you're doing this full-time or part-time, you need a mentor to show you the ropes.

In most full-time and part-time jobs you'll have a "manager" or someone higher up. This person is in charge of "checking in" with you. How are you liking your new role? What do you want to learn? What is challenging for you?

But what happens when the people in those higher-up positions? Who do they ask questions or receive guidance from?

Most likely, they go out and find their own mentors.

Essentially as a yoga teacher, you too!

Even if you work at a yoga studio and you have a "studio manager," they won't give you feedback. Or move you in the direction of your finding your niche.

A yoga mentor is going to be someone that has been teaching for over 5 years and they've already been through so much and can provide a wider perspective. This is someone that is in it for the long haul.

3. You need feedback!

Receiving feedback as a yoga teacher is GOLD!

While we can listen to our students’ feedback and read the reviews they give us (read them cautiously) we can't rely on this type of feedback. Students don't know the nuances of alignment, sequences, and cueing.

A yoga mentor is going to be able to provide a flashlight to the blind spots in your practice and in your teaching style.

Ask your mentor to join one of your classes. Be open and willing to hear constructive feedback. It's how you grow.

4. They speak your soul language

As teachers, we know that we can't be everyones teacher. And that goes with mentors too. Not everyone is going to be your mentor.

So, when you find that teacher that said the right words or put you in that savasana bliss. Go back to them and see what else can they offer you.

"When you find someone who sparks your soul, slow down and spend some time in their presence."

It isn't a mistake that you're gravitating toward their teaching style. The Universe is telling you something.

5. This is not a traditional career

There are an ENDLESS amount of ways to craft your yoga career. That can either feel really exciting or really daunting.

As you navigate this new territory, a yoga mentor can show you one route to take your career in.

Are you super into anatomy? Find a mentor that's into that.

Are you into mindfulness and meditation? Find a mentor that's dedicated their career to specializing in that.

The yoga community is full of inspiring teachers and entrepreneurs. Let yoga embody everything you do.


A yoga mentor is going to continue to remind you why you fell in love with yoga. A mentor is going to nourish your teaching style and provide for a richer and longer teaching career. Go out there now and make a list of some of your favorite teachers and make it an effort to continue to learn from them!

Teaching, yogaBrenda Umana