5 out-of-the-box ways to find yoga teaching jobs

Finding yoga teaching jobs is challenging!

If you do a quick Google search, you'll see so many pop up. But then you wonder, how old are these posts? Will anyone actually see my resume?

Finding the right teaching job is going to take a bit of creativity and continuing to show up to your dream studio job. But don't give up!

Here are the top 5 out-of-the-box ways to find a yoga teaching job.

  1. Make a list of studios near you

Start by looking at your neighborhood and expand to about 5-10 miles out.

As you're creating your list write short descriptions of the studio's teaching style.

Check out who the studio owner is.

What do the other teachers value and embody? Do you also see yourself on that list?

As you narrow down your search highlight the top three that you could see yourself teaching at.

2. Practice at a studio you want to teach at

Get to know the studio and the community by being a student there for a while.

It's not the quickest turnaround in getting a teaching job but it's really effective.

You'll get to see the "regulars" that show up to the studio. What kind of questions people are asking.

You'll start to create relationships with the front-desk staff and teachers. Over time you'll either see if this is the place for you to keep being a student or if you want to ask the front-desk when their teacher auditioning happens.

3. Find the new studios opening in your neighborhood

New studios are popping up everywhere!

Take a walk around your block to see if there's any new studio under construction.

See if Google can show you any. Or type in "coming soon yoga studio near me"

Get into the door before the doors even open.

Because the studio is new to the neighborhood be mindful that classes will be small in the beginning and pay-rate per class won't be that high. But getting into a fresh yoga studio is how you start to build your following and community.

Don't get discouraged if classes are small. Be consistent. Stick with it! We've all been there as yoga teachers.

4. Find a yoga job board directory

This is much different than typing "yoga jobs" into Google but then "Sales Associate" at Lululemon pops up. Not exactly what you were looking for, right?

Finding a yoga job board means it's already specific to teaching. And you can also narrow down by city, state, or traveling yoga jobs!

Some cities have local directories. For example, if you're in the Seattle area you can use: seattleyoganews.com/jobs/.

Another great resource, especially for the traveling yoga teacher is Yoga Trade. A lot of the jobs posted are for exchange and not direct pay. So be mindful if you are looking for paid yoga teaching jobs, you'll need to dig a bit further.

5. Reach out to your yoga colleagues to make an intro

Make a list of your yoga mentors from teacher training.

And then add everyone that graduated with you.

Look at your list, is there anyone in there that can make you an introduction to a studio. Studio owner. Or corporate setting you want to teach at.

When reaching out be very clear with your intention. Don't try to dance around it.

You will find it!

Take these five out-of-the-box ways in how to find your next teaching job. It might not be immediate but you are planting the seed for opportunities to come your way.

Don't forget to continue with your practice. While you aren't teaching, this is your chance to hone in on cues, transitions, and how the practice feels in your body. Your practice is going to fuel your future public classes.

Teaching, yogaBrenda Umana